Project 0

My current project is this website! Which makes this project 0.
I'm hoping to have a bunch of random things stored on here,
but until I get there I'll just list out my plans.
My first goal is getting all the css/html setup so it's nice and clean.
after that I wanna make a blog section, then a place for highlighting anything cool I made.
Update! I've basically got an idea for the look and settled on this bubbly format. I think for subpages it'll be like this, basically an article layout. Tho lemme try to add a picture in here. that works I think. Oh the words come out of the side like a word doc. I think that is fine. I'll definitly work around with it to see how it fans out, but so far, I enjoy it!
This is the style of layout I'm aiming for the homepage
this is the total website structure I'm planning around
Last Updated: 10/28/2023, 2:26PM